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LaLaLand Netherlands

June 29 & 30
Ruigoord, Amsterdam
Sat 12-11pm | Sun 9am-6pm

29 & 30 June in Ruigoord, Amsterdam, Sat 12 noon - 11pm | Sun 9am-6pm

experience india

Wander through LaLaLand and enjoy the colours, sounds and smells that are so typical of India. Be surprised by the performances. Swing to the tunes of a hip DJ or listen to a classic Indian raga in peace. Visit the arts & crafts stables and enjoy delicious Indian food at the Mela, the market. Take part in workshops, play a game of cricket or stretch your limbs and mind during a yoga or meditation class.

a weekend in india
without flying

50+ acts:

At LaLaLand – The Magic of India you can enjoy the colours, sounds and smells that are so typical of India, but also unknown art and culture from contemporary India.

India, a beating heart, powerful, energetic and innovative. All this in the middle of the setting of the magical village of Ruigoord.

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